You're invited to meet Thomasville City Schools' Superintendent Ben Wiggins on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Thomasville High School Cafeteria.
about 5 years ago, Thomasville City Schools
meet and greet
Report Cards will be sent hone tomorrow. Please sign and return. If you would like to conference with your teacher. Please call to set up a conference.
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Honor Roll Assembly on Friday January 17th@12:00 P.M. Municipal Auditorium!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Join us Tuesday, January 14th for Elementary Recognition Night sponsored by THS Girls & Boys Basketball Teams! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, Athletics
Elementary Recognition Night
We can't wait to see what 2020 holds for Bulldog Nation! Students, we can't wait to see you on Tuesday! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, TCityS
Back from Winter Break
We hope everyone has a Merry Bulldog Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will see you on Tuesday, January 7, 2020! #BulldogPride
about 5 years ago, TCityS
winter break
New Thomasville City School Board Member Mrs. Britney Glass said hello to our students during our trip to the library! Thanks Mrs.Glass for supporting student learning!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Readers are Leaders at Harper! Mrs.Rush’s Kindergarten took it’s monthly walk to the Thomas County Public Library! Great fun was had by all!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Every student at Harper Elementary is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 3-9). Mrs. Graham, the computer lab teacher, remarked that she likes all of the math that is incorporated within the coding lessons as well as critical thinking and problem solving.
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Mrs.Wilson and Mrs. Hill from St.Thomas Church dropped of supplies for Mrs.Lundys class !
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Monday Morning Meeting with 4th Grade Students! Mr. Tillman, Harper Assistant Principal, does a great job making sure students get a good start to the week!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
First and Second Grade Runner Spelling Bee Contestants!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Spelling Bee!
Harper School-Wide Spelling Bee! Congrats to all of our winners!
about 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Come hear from "The Tiger Rising" author, Kate DiCamillo, director - Ray Giarratana, and producers - Deborah Giarratana and Ryan Smith this Sunday! Scott and Harper were recently used as locations for the movie.
over 5 years ago, TCityS
The Tiger Rising. An afternoon with The Tiger Rising.
Celebrate Christmas with FCCLA on December 12th at THS. Bring the kiddos and have fun!
over 5 years ago, Thomasville City Schools
Harper Teachers use a Teacher Professional Learning Day to learn more about local and historic African American history at the Jack Hadley History Museum. The goal is to better prepare teachers for teaching African American resources and opportunities the museum has to support student learning!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Cupcake Celebration for 5th Grade Students! Great Job Mrs. King and Mr.Sherrard!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Harper Duke TiP students! Fifth Graders Jaya Sirmans and Tiarrica Everett
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Harper Parents/Guardians, Please join us for our Parent Advisory Leadership (P.A.L.) meeting, tomorrow, November 14th @ 6 PM in the old cafeteria. Students will receive a grade incentive if their parent/guardian attends.
over 5 years ago, Harper Elementary School
We had a chance to acknowledge one of our top maintenance technicians at our Board Meeting! Mr. Bobby goes above and beyond what he is asked! Harper Strong!!!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans