Thomasville High School proudly welcomes a new addition to its hallways. This American flag was flown over the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan in honor of Thomasville, GA. Flying a flag to be presented is something that soldiers overseas do for veterans, military retirees, dignitaries, or in our case, a town. Thank you, Lindy Savelle, for presenting our school with such a precious gift. A special thank you also goes to Mr. Gammel and his students for constructing this beautiful display case. #ThomasvilleStrong
over 5 years ago, Thomasville High School
Today is our D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) training for Community Volunteers.The Thomasville/Thomas County community members are very supportive!#Exposethemind!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
D.E.A.R Training today at 11:45 and 6:00 P.M. #Academicrigor
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
I had a chance to revisit my “Why” this morning. Nothing better than happy students to begin the day!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Morning Smile!
Don't forget about the Superintendent Search Community Forum TOMORROW at 6PM at the MPMS Auditorium.
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Harper Elementary's Annual Title 1 Meeting will be held August 27th @ 12 noon & 6 p.m. Parents can choose a time to attend.
over 5 years ago, Harper Elementary School
Come Learn from THE CHAMPS this Saturday from 8-11AM! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
soccer camp
Tickets for Friday's HOME Game versus Cairo go on sale Thursday at the THS Dog Pen! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Pre-sale Cairo
Drop Everything and Read Initiative kicked off on Thursday Night. Great turnout by everyone!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
IT'S GAME DAY!!! Just some reminders about the scrimmage game vs Pelham tonight: Game time is at 7:30, tickets are $5, and there is NO RESERVE SEATING or PARKING get there EARLY! #Redemption #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Week 1
Come Meet The Dogs! Thursday at 6PM at the THS Cafeteria. $10/per person for dinner. Booster Club eat free with membership. #MeetTheDogs #Redemption #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Meet the dogs
We had a chance to have our first "Monday Meeting"! The meeting has a large group reading activity, motivation and encouragement and we share expectations with Harper students! #Academicrigor,ExposetheHeart,andGrowthe Mind!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Monday Meeting!
Join us Friday at 7:30PM for Our Pre-Season scrimmage versus Pelham! #BulldogPride #Redemption
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Are you ready?!?
New Harper Cafeteria is ready to roll! Students will have a chance to enjoy on Monday! Thanks to all of the hard work by TCS Nutrition Director Jeana Smith and the TCS Maintanance Team for helping set everything up!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
The Disciples of Jesus Ministries are hosting a “Back 2 School” event on Sunday 8.11.19 at 11:00 A.M!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Back To School
Parent Advisory Leadership (P. A. L.) is a school, parent and community driven partnership that will help formulate and improve Parental Involvement. The goal of this TEAM is to assist/contribute to the launch of programs and practices that encourage school, family and community involvement, resulting in students’ increased success. Please contact: DeAngela Lewis, Parent Engagement Coordinator; 229-225-2622
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Harper Elementary. We are asking our D.E.A.R. Volunteers to attend the informational meeting. The meeting should last no more than 40 minutes.We will talk about the vision we have for this program, and how you will support us with the task. We will talk about exactly what you are volunteering to do, how to do it, and when to do it. At this meeting on August 15 you will make a definite decision as to how, when, and how much you can do.Someone will greet you at the front door of the school and direct you to the meeting area! Thanks In Advance For Your Support!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
These two young men made my day! #kindergartenmakesmesmile!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Whenever -Why?
5th grade students in Mrs. King’s class working hard to complete an assignment, using Google Docs!
over 5 years ago, Principal Hugans
Students journaling
Welcome Back Everyone! Hope everyone has a great 1st Day of School and 2019-2020 School Year! #BulldogPride
over 5 years ago, TCityS
Welcome Back