Congratulations to Kingston Smart! He read and earned a gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
11 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Students in Mr. Sherrard’s STEM class assembling and filling up their new tower garden.
11 months ago, Michele Sedam
Tower garden
Tower garden
Tower garden
Tower garden
Tower garden
Tower garden
Tower garden
Eclipse Day!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Lego League celebrated Eclipse Day by building eclipse themed structures.
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Lego League celebrated Eclipse Day by building eclipse themed structures.
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Eclipse Day
Congratulations to Kayden Gibson! He read and earned his third gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Congratulations to Mr. West, Harper's Teacher of the Year!!! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to all the children.
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Teacher of the Year!
Harper students focus on literacy at the Boys and Girls Club while working with the READ program.
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
READ Program
READ Program
READ Program
READ Program
Ms. Mallow's class thoroughly enjoyed competing at Special Olympics today! Way to go!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Special Olympics
Special Olympics
Special Olympics
Special Olympics
Special Olympics
Congratulations to Loyalty Holland! She read and earned her third gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
We love reading!
Congratulations to DeMoni Walton! She read and earned a gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Congratulations to Kennedy Bell, Tamari Barnes, and Dior Sankey (2nd coin, 4th quarter)! They read and earned a gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Thank you Ms. Tori Ransom from Pearls and Ivy for lovingly working with Mosiah Smiley, Christian Edwards, and Da'Niyah Hill! You're amazing!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
Thank you Ms. Asha Dillard from Pearls and Ivy for lovingly working with Destiny Butler, Raven Redding, and Amyreil Williams! You're amazing!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
We love our mentors!
Congratulations to Sharese Howard! She read and earned her 3rd gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Mobley's Masters of Mathematics completed their Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers! They were awarded by having a donut from the donut shop!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
Mobley's Masters of Mathematics
Mobley's Masters of Mathematics
Mr. Burke got in on the STEM action today. The challenge was to build something to keep the elephant and giraffe dry. Good job, Mr Burke!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
STEM in action
STEM in action
Congratulations to Justice Guster! She read and earned her 2nd gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Congratulations Lauryen Johnson! She read and earned a gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!
Congratulations to Andrea Franklin! She read and earned her 3rd gold coin to get a book out of the book vending machine. Keep up the hard work!
12 months ago, Michele Sedam
We love reading!
We love reading!