Please return all library books &/or take care of fines today!!!! Missing book reports have been sent home all week. Thanks for your help and support!
Please return all library books this week!!!! Missing book reports have been sent home all week. Thanks for your help and support!
Positive Behavior has been rewarded! PBIS incentive was today. Way to go! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations! We are so proud of our Pre-K students!
Please return all library books this week!!!! Missing book reports will be sent home all week. Thanks for your help and support!
Let's celebrate greatness! The awards ceremonies are in-person. You may bring up to 3 guests. Pre-K progression on Wed. at 9 am. Thurs.- K progression at 9, 1st & 2nd at 10:15, 3rd-5th at 1:15.
Fun was had by all! Staff vs. 5th grade kickball game. It was an exciting way to come together and celebrate our wonderful 5th graders!
It's time to grow some pumpkins from an experiment started this fall! Students in STEM Lab painted the raised flower bed boxes. Thank you Georgia Pipe for donating the flower bed boxes!
STEM Night! Thanks for all your participation and support!
The top 3 trophy earners in each grade level were rewarded with the opportunity to pie Ms. Cloud and Ms. Braswell in the face. It was a fun way to reward hard work in Exact Path (online program). Way to go!
Let's celebrate greatness! Awards ceremony invitations will go home today. The ceremonies are in-person. You may bring up to 3 guests. Pre-K progression on Wed. at 9 am. Thurs.- K progression at 9, 1st & 2nd at 10:15, 3rd-5th at 1:15.
Please return all library books this week!!!! Missing book reports will be sent home all week. Thanks for your help and support!
Thank you to all the students and their families for attending and participating in our first ever STEM Night. It was a HUGE success!
STEM Night is tonight at 5:30!!! Come join us!
STEM Night!!! Tonight!!! Thursday, May 12. See you at 5:30!!!
Way to go! We are so proud of our Harper graduates! Congratulations!
Look at our STEM activities!!!
Summer is almost here! Sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge through The Thomas County Public Library. Sign-up begins May 23rd.
STEM Night this week!!! See you on Thursday, May 12, 5:30-7. There will be numerous fun and engaging activities.
Harper fifth grade students planted a pollinator garden as a project in STEM Lab in collaboration with Keep Thomas County Beautiful.