Thank you to Ben Peirce, from The First Bank, for providing a delicious lunch from Diablo's today for Teacher Appreciation Week!

Today, Thursday, April 29 is the last day for after school tutoring.

The B.A.R.K.Summer Reading Program will be held at Harper June 7- July 1. The application is available at the top of the Thomasville City Schools website. www.tcitys.org

Thursday, April 29th is the last day for after school tutoring. Thursday, May 13th is the last day for 21st Century.

Parents- Please go to the Parent Information tab at the top of the Harper website to view the Innovative Parent Compact and the School Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Please email (lewisd@tcitys.org) with any suggestions, questions or changes. Thank you for your support!

Parents- Please fill out the Parental Involvement Survey. Thanks for all you do! Here's the correct link:

Please make sure your child/children are wearing a mask when they come to school. Let's keep everyone healthy and safe! Thanks!

Harper Elementary Sock Drive for the Community!!! March 15- April 15

Movin' Up - Planning Your Child's Successful Transition at Age 3 Webinar Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvc-mgpzMjE9XI73DeyigZ6hKbhycYO0s-?fbclid=IwAR3Yz658pV1cFsEt6q2-kDnM04ciAggkl2R-0BxLZSWT2lt7OAll6jBHSCc

Dr. Wyche's Fifth graders present Black History culminating projects.

Ms. Groover's Art classes studied Black History and created beautiful pictures summarizing their lessons.

Online Registration for Pre-K-5th grade students begins February 1st. The form is on the Thomasville City Schools website, as well as here.

Attention Harper Parents-
Please note: Early Release Day is this Friday, January 29, 2021 at 12 noon. We apologize for the incorrect date on the reminder note.

No school on Monday, January 18, 2021. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. See you on Tuesday, January 19!

The Livingroom will host a children's Christmas gift exchange and clothes (slightly used and new) on Tuesday, December 22 at 1:00. The event will be at Wright Street Mini Market. Hot dogs will be served. See you there!

The Livingroom will host a children's Christmas gift exchange and clothes (slightly used and new) on Tuesday, December 22 at 1:00. The event will be at Wright Street Mini Market. Hot dogs will be served. See you there!

The Livingroom will host a children's Christmas gift exchange and clothes (slightly used and new) on Tuesday, December 22 at 1:00. The event will be at Wright Street Mini Market. Hot dogs will be served. See you there!

The Livingroom will host a children's Christmas gift exchange and clothes (slightly used and new) on Tuesday, December 22 at 1:00. The event will be at Wright Street Mini Market. Hot dogs will be served. See you there!

Christmas Food Giveaway!!
(Harper Elementary Student Families Only)
Saturday, December 19
10:00-11:30 a.m.

Christmas Food Giveaway! You must bring your pink form to pick up your food on Saturday from 10:00-11:30 a.m.