The Livingroom will host a children's Christmas gift exchange and clothes (slightly used and new) on Tuesday, December 22 at 1:00. The event will be at Wright Street Mini Market. Hot dogs will be served. See you there!

Christmas Food Giveaway!!
(Harper Elementary Student Families Only)
Saturday, December 19
10:00-11:30 a.m.

Christmas Food Giveaway! You must bring your pink form to pick up your food on Saturday from 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Food Should Always Be Within Reach

Cookie Dough Pick-Up

With the holiday break approaching, we know some students may face food insecurity while away from school buildings. FoodFinder is a mobile and web app created by a graduate of Georgia public schools that allows families to find food distribution sites.

Christmas Food Giveaway!! (Harper Elementary Student Families Only) Saturday, December 19
10:00-11:30 a.m.

Thomasville City Schools would like to to announce that ALL students can receive free meals (breakfast and lunch) at school through the end of the school year! The USDA has issued waivers related to COVID-19 to allow schools to provide free meals to ALL students through the end of the 20-21 school year (May 28, 2021). No application needed. Our schools offer delicious, nutritious, and safe meals. #EatBetterLearnBetterLiveBetter #KeepGAFed

Help us celebrate the 12 days of Christmas at Harper! 12/8 Tues- Holiday accessories (jewelry, necklaces, garland), 12/9 Wed- Jingle bells, 12/10 Thurs- Lights (lights, glitter, tinsel), 12/11 Fri- Ugly sweaters

Attention- Harper cookie dough orders are due to the front office on Tuesday, December 1st. Thank you for supporting Harper!

Attention- Harper cookie dough orders are due to the front office on Tuesday, December 1st. Thank you for supporting Harper!

Cookie dough fundraiser is currently underway. It will continue through Tuesday, December 1st. For more information, please contact the school. All proceeds support the students’ activities. Thank you for your support.

***Attention- Virtual students returning to in-person class must bring their chrome book and charging cord back to school next week.

Early Release on Friday, Nov. 6, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.

Parents- Please have your children at school by 7:50 so they can enjoy a healthy breakfast. Intervention time begins at 8:00 everyday. Please make sure your child wears a mask everyday. Stay safe! Stay healthy!

Early Release on Friday, Nov. 6, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.

Parents- Please have your children at school by 7:50 so they can enjoy a healthy breakfast. Intervention time begins at 8:00 everyday. Please make sure your child wears a mask everyday. Stay safe! Stay healthy!

Pre-K slots now available at Harper!

It's Red Ribbon Week!
Wednesday- "Boot Day" - Giving the boot to bullying and drugs! Oct. 29 - "Pink Day" - Tickled Pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness and the fight against bullying and drugs. Wear Pink! Oct. 30 - Dress as your favorite storybook character.

Oct. 26 - "Camo Day" - Joining the fight against bullying and drugs
Oct. 27 - "Team Day" - Teaming up against bullying and drugs- Wear your favorite Team Shirt.
Oct. 28 - "Boot Day" - Giving the boot to bullying and drugs!
Oct. 29 - "Pink Day" - Tickled Pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness and the fight against bullying and drugs. Wear Pink!
Oct. 30 - “Happy, Brave & Drug Free. What storybook character will you be?” Dress as your favorite storybook character."