Attention SES Parents! Please complete the Georgia Parent Survey at your convenience to provide feedback on you and your child's educational experience at SES. To access the link, please click the following link: The survey will close on February 17th. We greatly appreciate your feedback!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
The 2nd Quarter Honors Programs will be held on Thursday, January 12th at the Thomasville Center for the Arts Auditorium. The grade level schedule will be as follows: Pre-K: 8:30 AM; Kindergarten and 1st Grade: 9:15 AM; 2nd and 3rd Grade: 10:00 AM; and 4th and 5th Grade: 10:45 AM. Parents whose child is receiving an award will be notified. We are also planning on streaming the event live on our Facebook page. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Congratulations to 2nd Grade Teacher Saleen Beckett and First Grade Paraprofessional JaNia Taylor winning Teacher and Support Staff of the Month for December! Thank you for all that you do for SES, ladies!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
SB-TOM Dec 22, JT-SSOM Dec 22
JT-SSOM Dec 22
Proud of our Kindergarten students putting on a great show during their Christmas Program! Thank you to our students, teachers, staff, and parents who supported this great event!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Kindergarten Christmas Program
Congratulations to our PBIS Character Kids of the Month for November! Pre-K: J'Marrion Timmons-Gloster Kindergarten: Arturo Jessup First Grade: Israel Francisco Mateo Second Grade: E'Ahni Robinson Third Grade: Jeremiah Austin Fourth Grade: Akeem Lurry Fifth Grade: Quantavious Small Mrs. Cook's Class: Reese Leverette
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
November PBIS Character Kids
Congratulations to Thomasville City Schools Warehouse Specialist Wellington Longley on receiving the 2022-2023 Scott Elementary School Tireless Award! This award is presented to a non-certified staff member who displays an exemplary work ethic at a designated school site. Mr. Longley consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty to serve our staff and students. Thank you for your tireless service, Mr. Longley!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
W. Longley-Tireless Award
We presented Thomasville City Schools Teacher of the Year Adrienne Angry with her ring on December 8th! Congratulations, Mrs. Angry!!!
about 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
A. Angry-TOY Ring Presentation
Congratulations to Cafeteria Staff Member Karen Brown for winning Support Staff of the Month Honors for November! Thank you for your consistent hard work and dedication to Scott Elementary School, Ms. Brown!!!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
K. Brown-SSOM-Nov. 22
Congratulations to Special Education Teacher Mrs. Rosemarie Miller for winning Teacher of the Month honors for November! Thank you for all that you do for our students and school, Mrs. Miller!!!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
R. Miller-TOM-Nov. 22
Hello SES Parents! Please click the following link for a brochure about getting your child involved in the Art in the Afternoon Program at the Center for the Arts:
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Thank you to Burner Bob for visiting our 2nd and 3rd Grade classes on November 18th! This was a fun educational experience for our students!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Burner Bob-11.18.22
We are thankful for our parents and guardians who attended our November All Pro Dad breakfast meeting on November 18th! This was a great time of fellowship and sharing!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
All Pro Dad Breakfast-11.18.22
All Pro Dad Breakfast-11.18.22
The SES Pre-K students celebrated Thanksgiving on November 17th with a Pow Wow celebration! We are proud of our students and teachers for the hard work that this event required!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Pre-K Pow Wow
Pre-K Pow Wow #2
Mrs. Singley's fifth grade Math class engages in an order of operations activity in a Surgical Room. We are proud of our "doctors of math"!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Singley Surgical Room-11.8.22
Attention SES Parents! Our Family Reading Night will be held on Monday, November 7th from 5:30-7:00 PM at Scott Elementary School. Please bring your child and join us for an evening filled with fun reading activities, food, and prizes! We are excited about this opportunity to connect with our families and celebrate the power of literacy! We hope you can join us next Monday! Thank you for all of your support!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Congratulations to Media Center Specialist Stephanie Sharp for winning Support Staff of the Month Honors for October! Thank you for all of your hard work to support our literacy program, Mrs. Sharp!!!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
SS-SSOM Oct. 22
Congratulations to First Grade Teacher Ruth Augustin for winning Teacher of the Month Honors for October! Thank you for all that you do for our school and students, Ms. Augustin!!!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
RA-TOM Oct. 22
Congratulations to our PBIS Character Kids of the Month for October! Pictured from left to right: Pre-K student Jamal Hayes, Kindergarten student K'Lyce Wilson, First grade student Keasia Alexander, Second grade student Landen Edwards, Third grade student Olivia Ross (not pictured), Fourth grade student Paris Eberhart, Fifth grade student Janae Stennis, and Fourth grade student Quinton Norton (not pictured). Congratulations students on a job well done!!!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
PBIS Oct. 23 Students
Hello SES Parents! Fall Picture Re-takes will be held on Tuesday, November 1st from 8:00-10:00 AM in the SES Gym. If your child did not have his or her picture taken during the first session, they can take their fall picture on November 1st. Thank you for all of your support!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy
Attention SES Parents! We will have a Career Dress Up Day next Monday, October 31st! Students may come to school dressed in the attire that represents who they would like to be when they grow up (firefighter, police, athlete, teacher, doctor, etc.). School dress code policy still applies. We look forward to a fun day at SES!
over 2 years ago, Nathan Espy