It's Book Fair week!! You can send money with your child or load money into an e-wallet through the Scholastic website:
Online shopping is also available!
Congratulations to the Thomasville YMCA for winning the Bulldog Business Partner of the Month for October, as presented by Thomasville City Schools! Thank you to Mr. Tom Everett, YMCA CEO, and his staff for all that they do for our schools and community!
Congratulations to SES Bookkeeper Ms. Lisa Hill for winning the Tireless Award for Thomasville City Schools for the month of October! We greatly appreciate all of your hard work and service, Ms. Hill!
Attention SES Parents: Tomorrow will be Red and Gold Day, and Friday will be Pink Out Day as part of our Red Ribbon Week. Also, your child may wear a costume on Friday as part of "Say Boo to Drugs" day. Please make sure that you adhere to the dress code requirements that were sent home with your child if he or she is wearing a costume. Thank you!
Attention SES Parents: The THS Cheerleaders will be in the SES cafeteria this Friday, October 29th beginning at 7:15 AM. They will be selling tattoos and pompoms ($1 each) and megaphones and footballs ($2 each). Thank you!
Attention SES Parents: Just a reminder that after school tutoring for first and second graders only begins tomorrow, October 26th from 3:30-4:45 PM. Please be at the front of SES to pick up your child no later than 4:50 PM. There will be a zero tolerance for behavior problems during after school tutoring. Tutoring for third, fourth, and fifth graders will take place starting in January. Thank you for your support!
This week is Red Ribbon Week. We are encouraging students to dress up each day! Please remember that the dress code will still apply.
Attention SES Parents: Please click the following link to view the complete video of our first Parent Engagement Night Meeting of the 2021-2022 school year:
You will need to use a Google account to access the video. Thank you for your support!
SES Parents: Please see the following website for parent strategies to improve reading, writing, and math:
Thank you for all that you do!
Congratulations to Brendon Brock and Aariah Eubanks for winning Art Fair awards at the Deep South Fair Arts and Crafts show! Brendon won 2nd Place for his Butterfly Collage, and Aariah won 3rd Place for his family painting! Congratulations, and we are very proud of you!
Hello SES Parents! We will only be conducting after school tutoring for grades 1 and 2 this fall. We are planning on conducting tutoring for grades 3-5 during the spring semester. For first and second grade tutoring students who plan on riding the bus home, please make sure that you have a bus application completed on the website under the Transportation Department. Tutoring will begin next Tuesday, October 26th and run every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:45 PM through December 9th. Thank you!
Attention SES Parents: We will conduct a PTO meeting this Wednesday, October 20th at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be virtual via Zoom. The meeting link is
To access via telephone, please see below:
Meeting ID: 882 9428 1009
Passcode: 008470
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88294281009#,,,,*008470# US (Washington DC)
A QR code will also be sent home with your child for easy access. Thank you for your support!
Hello SES Parents! Please remember that our first Parent Engagement meeting will be held this Thursday, October 21st at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be virtual. The link for joining via Google Meet is
The number and pin for joining via phone is 423-712-0240 PIN: 210 526 338#
Also, the first quarter honors assemblies have been rescheduled for Friday, October 29th. Although we will not be welcoming parents into the school building, the assemblies will be streamed live via our Facebook page. Please see the grade level schedule as follows: 2nd and 3rd Grade: 8:30 AM; K and 1st Grade: 9:15 AM; 4th and 5th Grade: 10:00 AM; and Pre-K: 10:45 AM. Thank you for your support!
Attention SES Parents: The First Quarter Honors Assemblies will be held Thursday, October 21st. Although we will not be welcoming parents into the school building, the assemblies will be streamed live via our Facebook page. Please see the grade level schedule as follows:
2nd and 3rd Grade: 8:30 AM
K and 1st Grade: 9:15 AM
4th and 5th Grade: 10:00 AM
Pre-K: 10:45 AM
Thank you for your support!
Attention SES Parents: The first Parent Engagement Meeting will be held Thursday, October 21st at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be a virtual meeting. You can join at the following link:
You can also join by phone at +1 423-712-0240 PIN: 210 526 338#
Thank you for your support!
Attention SES Parents: Please click the following link for information on recent COVID-19 developments within our school:
Congratulations to Mrs. Brittany Gainous for being named the Teacher of the Month for September! Thank you for all that you do, Mrs. Gainous!
Congratulations to Ms. Anita Williams for being named the Support Staff of the Month for September! Thank you for all that you do, Ms. Williams!
Hello SES Parents! We are pleased to announce that we will begin after school tutoring on Tuesday, October 26th. Commitment forms will be sent home with your child on September 30th. You can also access the form at this link:
Please return this form by Tuesday, October 19th!
Attention SES Parents: Please click the following link for information on recent COVID-19 developments within our school: