Please join us tomorrow at the Meet & Greet for New Superintendent Ben Wiggins! Come by and welcome him to the Bulldog Nation Family! #BulldogPride

Due to the weather, today’s baseball scrimmages are cancelled. Saturday’s Fan Day is still on! See you there! #BulldogPride

Join Our Baseball teams at the field today and tomorrow for Fan Day Weekend! #FanDay #NoExcuses #BulldogPride

Don't forget PreK Registration is on Monday from 7:30AM-5PM at Scott Elementary School! Come Be a part of Bulldog Nation! #BulldogPride

Congratulations to all of the Footsteps2Brilliance Winter Break Reading Challenge Winners! These students, representing all 3 elementary schools, were recognized last night at the January Board Meeting! #BulldogPride

This is just a reminder that the Thomasville City Schools will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We will see everyone on Tuesday, January 21st.

SAVE THE DATE!! MONDAY, FEB 3, 2020!! Join us at Scott Elementary School for Pre-K Registration! For more information, please visit: https://5il.co/catc

You're invited to meet Thomasville City Schools' Superintendent Ben Wiggins on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Thomasville High School Cafeteria.

Join us Tuesday, January 14th for Elementary Recognition Night sponsored by THS Girls & Boys Basketball Teams! #BulldogPride

We can't wait to see what 2020 holds for Bulldog Nation! Students, we can't wait to see you on Tuesday! #BulldogPride

We hope everyone has a Merry Bulldog Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will see you on Tuesday, January 7, 2020! #BulldogPride

Come hear from "The Tiger Rising" author, Kate DiCamillo, director - Ray Giarratana, and producers - Deborah Giarratana and Ryan Smith this Sunday! Scott and Harper were recently used as locations for the movie.

Celebrate Christmas with FCCLA on December 12th at THS. Bring the kiddos and have fun!

Thomasville City Schools will be observing Red Ribbon Week Monday, October 28th - Friday, November 1st. Below are Our Themes for each day! #BulldogPride

Red Ribbon Week is coming!
Monday, Oct. 28 - Red'y Day = Wear "Red" to show that we are ready to be drug and bully free.
Tuesday, Oct. 29 - Camoflauge Day = Wear "Camo" to show that we are in the fight against drugs and bullying
Wednesday, Oct. 30 - Pink Day = Wear "Pink" for LOVE, HOPE, FIGHT, THE CURE!!
Thursday, Oct. 31 - Say BOO to drugs- wear appropriate costume (dress code appropriate/no scary costumes) OR (if you don't have or don't do costumes...Black Out Day = Wear "Black" to show we block out drugs and bullying.
Friday, Nov. 1 - Red & Gold Day there is no game scheduled= Show off your Bulldog Pride and wear Red & Gold.

Covey Film Festival Children's Day is next Saturday! Movies, Times, and Locations located on Poster below!

Join us Thursday for the Homecoming Parade and Community Pep Rally! #thshoco2019 #bulldogpride

Calling all Elementary and Middle School Students...Next Week is Spirit Week! We are encouraging ALL Thomasville City Schools students to participate! Below is a list of each day's theme to coincide with the High School Students's daily theme! #BulldogPride

We’re thrilled to announce Thomasville City Schools’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2vVrXQ7 or iPhone: https://apple.co/2N2e9yH

On Monday, September 16th, Thomasville City Schools will observe a Student Holiday and Staff Professional Learning Day.